Call me a scrooge, but after experiencing more than 40 Christmases and hearing/reading people's stories and opinions about it, I can say this Christian event is grossly overrated. Actually Christmas is originally not a Christian tradition. It is a pagan celebration called Saturnalia adopted by Emperor Constantine to encourage most people to adopt the new imperial religion. The birth of Jesus cannot be around the winter months since sheeps don't graze outside around that time. Go visit Palestine/Israel on December and experience the bitter winter around this time. Besides, the early Christians do not celebrate Christmas - it was Constantine who invented (adopted) it for Christianity.
What about the commercial aspect of Christmas - this gift giving? It's actually a Saturnalian practice also. However, the Romans those days gave only inexpensive gifts (mostly potteries and wax figures) since gift of value would mark social status and that would be contrary to the spririt than the season. Now that's something to think about. Try giving inexpensive gifts these days and they will most likely end up in the trash can.
I don't celebrate Christmas anymore not because I'm not a Christian ( hell, I will celebrate a Muslim or Hindu holiday if I choose to) but because I can afford not to. My daughter is hardly a child anymore and as much as she wish for a christmas tree and other decors these days (and although I am very much inclined to humour her on that), I don't think they're worth the cost and time to put up.
So goodbye Santa Claus and the three kings (and sorry Mr. Sy we can't have more transactions) for now. They say, Christmas is for the children and I dare not disagree with that because I've been a child too. If I will have a new child to please in the future I may come to resurrect you and I will await and celebrate Christmas more eagerly and extravagantly like the Romans did during Saturnalia. But for now, this thing called Christmas is something that I will comfortably choose not to celebrate. Some people (especially the flood victims lately) were not able to celebrate Christmas because thay can't afford to. I don't celebrate it because I can afford not to. Lucky guy :).