Saturday, July 21, 2012

My daughter's wish

My daughter just published a poem in her blog today. It contains her wishes and hopes that things would not be   the way they are. With her permission, here it is:

I wish
(by Natasha Luna)

I wish life was full of laughter
So happy,very happy
But nasty people wreck it
They stomp it, hurt it, made it into sadness.
They are damaging it
People dont care

I wish life was full of smiles
that light up the way to a good place
If it wasn’t for people who made it frown
People are now sad and down
I wish those people never existed

I wish life was full of kindness and sincerity
no bullies, no criticism, no black-mailing,no two faced people
No people that say mean things are good
No people to harm you

I just wanted a kind world
where people have positive attitude
where people have smile
where people experience happiness
where people doesnt know any bad things
and where people are safe

If anyone could understand this message
This is the message that people want to tell you
a message that has meaning to it
People dont want negative but want a positive life